
我们在正规博彩十大网站排名的竞赛团队-创造一个安全的空间来鼓励激情, 技能, and camaraderie for exceptional competition 机会. Our diverse teams and associations cater to a wide range of interests and talents, offering students the chance to engage in spirited competition, 技能发展, 协作环境. 通过这些动态群体, students can immerse themselves in hands-on learning, 建立持久的联系, 并在当地展示他们的能力, 国家, 甚至在国际舞台上.

加入我们,在正规博彩十大网站排名的多元化社区中追求卓越 大学.

  • 空中机器人团队是一个面向所有专业学生的校园组织. 我们的主要目标是共同打造一个能够互动的自主飞行机器人 并在随机环境中操作,并建造一架遥控飞机来携带 重载荷. Our long-term goal is to compete in the AUVSI-hosted Inter国家 空中机器人 Competition (IARC) and Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Aero 设计比赛每年举行一次.

  • 正规博彩十大网站排名的ASCE学生分会旨在为学生提供学习更多土木工程专业知识的机会. 我们努力将你连接起来, as students with the outside community of engineers, as well as create an environment to get to know your peers. 通过评估, 你有机会参加ASCE东南会议的比赛(混凝土独木舟), 钢桥, and Minor Competitions in a variety of areas); competitions are a major aspect of what we do and are a great way to learn about civil engineering and make connections in the community. 

  • 正规博彩十大网站排名独木舟队.
    The Concrete Canoe Competition team has been competing since 1988. 竞争的加剧 分为5个部分:独木舟 & Display Design, Presentation, Design Paper, Engineer's Notebook (Technical Handbook on the canoe), and racing. 比赛的每一部分 is judged separately and comes together for an overall score for the team. 不仅 这是一个很好的学习经历,但你要和其他学生一起建设吗 relationships, opening doors for job 机会, and having a good time.

  • 在我们的核心原则的指导下,技能,诚信和责任,格鲁吉亚分公司, AGC的使命是“. . . to be the voice of Georgia's construction 行业, provide valuable member services and promote best construction practices.美联社 美国总承包商协会(AGC.Com)是一个会员制组织,致力于 推进不断变化的商业建筑承包商议程,改进 job site safety, expanding the use of cutting-edge technologies and techniques

    and strengthening the dialogue between contractors and owners. 通过会员调查 并与主要的AGC选区进行彻底的对话,这是协会聚集的重要因素 information on the issues and priorities it should address now and gleam feedback on how best to position itself for the future.

  • 自动地面车辆小组是正规博彩十大网站排名的一个竞赛小组. 我们的目标是让学生有机会挑战自我,获得经验 in many aspects of engineering by creating autonomous ground-based vehicles. 这个团队 为工程专业的学生提供机会,应用他们在讲座中学到的知识 并在课堂之外继续接受教育. 团队也会汇集不同 engineering majors to work in collaboration on projects.

  • 正规博彩十大网站排名自主水下航行器队.
    Founded in 2003 under the former Southern Polytechnic State 大学, 正规博彩十大网站排名自主水下航行器(AUV)团队是一个水下机器人组织. We aim to teach engineering 技能s and robotics. 我们参加了AUVSI基金会的RoboSub,这是一项每年7月举行的国际比赛. We have divisions for Electrical, Mechanical, Software, and Marketing. Our members come from a variety of STEM disciplines, but we encourage anyone to join the 正规博彩十大网站排名 AUV Team!

  • 正规博彩十大网站排名 EVT是2019年电动汽车大奖赛的冠军,获得了四项大奖,其中包括 championship trophy and third place overall in the Autonomous Go-kart division in 它存在的第一年. We have focused on our racing ability along with our 有能力应对复杂的挑战,比如自动驾驶技术 自治的部门. We are determined to raise the bar this season by being new member 本赛季导向. For the 2019-2020 season, we will be designing a dual motor 扭矩矢量卡丁车今年. Many of our members also take part in their own 个人项目,比如制造电动自行车、电动滑板和电动自行车 踏板车. We are located in the Wilder Communication Center (T Building) and we meet 通常在周三晚上8点,但大部分工作都是在学生有空的时候进行的 课前或课后的自由时间. 新成员预计不会有 对电动汽车有一定的了解. We hold classes during the fall to teach members everything they need to know in a hands-on environment.

  • Inspire a passion for the facility management profession that compels and engages students to join and participate in the IFMA network. 提供和吸引分会成员 有机会扩大他们的专业成长,建立业务关系, 促进他们的职业发展.

  • 正规博彩十大网站排名的杰克·哈利演讲和辩论队是一个学生组织 which competes in intercollegiate speech and debate. 我们提供所有正规博彩十大网站排名本科生 学生们有机会在公共演讲、戏剧阅读、 辩论活动. Team members choose from a wide variety of events and travel to 与来自全国各大学的本科生进行比赛 国家. 在竞争性演讲比赛中的经验是建立演讲的好方法, research, critical thinking, and networking 技能s expected of 大学 graduates. No prior experience is necessary to join the team. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 can contact the team through Facebook, via email, or on OwlLife.

  • 正规博彩十大网站排名赛车运动赛车.
    正规博彩十大网站排名 Motorsports是一个国际工程竞赛团队,鼓励有动力的学生设计和制造方程式风格的赛车. Formula SAE is sanctioned by the Society of Automotive Engineers. The program is extremely diverse and welcomes talent from all majors.  

  • 我们是正规博彩十大网站排名的太阳能汽车团队. 我们是一个有竞争力的团队,致力于设计、建造和比赛太阳能汽车. Our current project is the Solar Powered Car which we will design, 构建, and race in the American Solar Challenge where we will race approximately 2,000英里 

    美国. Our team consists of students from diverse disciplines. 每个成员的独特背景使我们能够从不同的角度分析问题,因为我们合作寻找最有效的方法来开发我们的太阳能汽车和成员. 

  • 正规博彩十大网站排名模拟审判是一项面向大学生的课外活动 students the opportunity to gain a hands-on understanding of trial advocacy. 学生 simulate either a criminal or civil trial by acting as attorneys and witnesses in a competitive setting against other university teams throughout the 美国.

  • 正规博彩十大网站排名全国房屋建筑商协会(NAHB)学生 分会得到了当地代表乔治亚州住宅建筑商协会的支持 (GAHBA),全国房屋建筑商协会学生分会计划,并且是 one of the 150+ registered NAHB Student Chapters in the 国家. 我们提倡 the Residential Construction 行业, and as a chapter, it is our job to prepare 让我们的同事了解这个行业,它的好处和网络,以及它的巨大 机会. We compete on a 国家 level in student competitions, serve the communities 在我们身边,创造交流的机会,让我们的成员为以后的生活做好准备 大学. We strive for greatness and mold future leaders in the Residential Construction 行业. The 正规博彩十大网站排名 NAHB Student Chapter is a diverse group that welcomes students from 许多不同的专业.

  • The Green Energy Challenge competition is intended to provide university students 和教师顾问一起举办一个吸引人的,令人满意的年度活动,将培养 meaningful interaction between students and NECA member companies. 亚特兰大电气公司 Contractors Association (AECA) is Georgia's local NECA chapter. 除了提供 在绿色能源挑战赛期间,AECA还提供奖学金,赞助商 校内活动,并将学生与可用的实习和就业机会联系起来 在电气行业.

  • 全球外交学会(SGD)是正规博彩十大网站排名模式的总括框架 模拟团队(模拟联合国,模拟阿拉伯联盟,模拟非洲联盟,模拟北约,模拟 European Union), which simulate the mechanisms of global organizations. 我们支持 the interests of these teams with logistics, recruiting, and funding. 模型仿真 团队为学生提供了一个发展公共演讲技巧和写作的机会 技能,人际谈判技巧,以及国际事务知识 they prepare for local, regional, 国家, and inter国家 competitions.

  • 本组织的宗旨是每年参加东南地区 Conference American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) competition. 这个组织 允许学生运用他们所学的静力学,材料强度,结构 分析和物理等等. 这个团队 also teaches metal fabrication 技能s, 从切割到焊接再到磨钢. 钢桥小组的成员将 参与钢桥的设计、制造、施工和测试 by following specifications from the rules handbook which changes every year.

  • 在烦恼, 我们喜欢探索机器人的世界,并在竞争激烈的环境中挑战我们的设计技能. 这里有适合每个人的东西,无论是应用实际的知识和技能 

    in a variety of topics, or team comradery in an open and casual learning-构建ing 环境,或在美国旅行.S. 为了比赛! 我们是全国性的 在我们不懈追求卓越和学习的过程中,我们的团队每年都在成长. 我们接受所有专业和经验水平. 如果你对机器人技术感兴趣, but don't know where to go, you will find a place here.
